dimanche 1 mai 2011

Week 1st May - 4th May

This week will start to establish a new ritual to start our classes.
Cette semaine va commencer à établir un nouveau rituel pour commencer nos classes.

The animals come to school.
The lion is very tired (show lion picture, yawning)
Lion, stretch your arm and yawn. Roar! (stretching and yawning)
And now let's go to school. (go)

The kangaroo is hungry (show picture, hold tummy)
Kangaroo, eat your sandwich. Mmmhhh! (pretend to eat, rub belly)
And now let's hop to school. (hop)

The frog is having a bath. (show picture, movements of bathing)
Frog, wash your legs. Splish splash. (rub legs)
And now let's jump to school. (jumping)

The owl is reading a book (show picture, pretend to read a book)
Owl, pack your schoolbag! (packing a bag)
And now let's fly to school. (fly)

The duck is still asleep. (show picture, sleep)
Duck, open your eyes! (open eyes wide)
And now let's waddle to school (waddle)

Is everybody here?
Duck? Quack, quack - Lion? Roar - Kangaroo? Hop, hop - Frog? Ribbit, ribbit - Owl? Tewit towhoo - Boys? YES - Girls? YES
Good morning everybody!!

Furthermore we will start to read a story each lesson from the book "Fat cat on the mat and other tales". For those parents who have bought the book, this week we will start with the first story inshaAllah.
De plus nous allons commencer à lire une histoire chaque cours du livre "Fat cat on the mat and other tales". Pour les parents qui ont acheté le livre, cette semaine, nous allons commencer avec la première histoire inchaAllah.

Our main topic are the shapes. You may find some interesting videos here:
Notre sujet principal sont les formes. Vous pouvez trouver quelques vidéos intéressantes ici:

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